Intentional Peer

Support Services

At Health Action Trust, our Peer Support Workers undergo training in a specific approach known as Intentional Peer Support. This model emphasizes collaborative efforts, shared accountability, empowerment, and fostering hope. Our teams bring their own personal experiences with mental distress and/or addiction, allowing them to better understand the hurdles individuals face in their journeys.

Intentional Peer support aims to eliminate power imbalances, focusing on working with individuals rather than for them. It provides a pathway for individuals to pursue their goals with the support of a peer worker accompanying them on their journey. 


Community Peer and Advocacy Support Services

COMPASS Community Mobile

Engaging with the community enables our COMPASS Mobile Team to establish meaningful connection with you in a familiar setting. This may include meeting at a local park or the beach, immersing ourselves in nature, and engaging in enriching conversation while walking and learning together.

  • Our Peer Support & Advocacy Team work using the Intentional Peer Support approach, fostering connections with you within the community and across services. Based on mutual support and shared responsibility, this approach actively involves working with you towards your goals. We facilitate connections with other services and organisations, including secondary services and provide advocacy support during appointments.

  • Our COMPASS Mobile Peer Support Service caters to individuals aged 16 and above in the Nelson/Tasman region who are experiencing challenges with mental distress and or addictions.

  • We operate Monday -Friday 9.00am-4.00pm and can be contacted via 0800 212 798 (excluding statutory holidays)

    We also have a dedicated Youth Peer Support Worker.

    You can access this service via self-referral this can be either by:

    Phoning: 0800 212 798

    Website: Contact Us — Health Action Trust


    Dropping in: Nikau Hauora Hub at 88 Selwyn place Nelson

COMPASS at Emergency Department

Health Action Trust has a team of intentional peer support staff working in the Nelson Hospital emergency department. This service is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

  • The team are there to support people who present to the emergency department for challenges around addiction and mental health. The team offer follow up support for people by way of the COMPASS community team and accessing Nikau Hauora Hub.

  • The service is available to any person presenting or their whanau in the emergency department.

COMPASS at Nikau Hauora Hub

Nikau Hauora Hub is a space for people to drop in, connect with our Intentional peer support team for support, advocacy, kai, programme activities, connection and a sense of belonging in their community.

  • Nikau Hauora Hub is a community wellbeing hub. Here, you will find support from the COMPASS peer support team who understand the challenges facing tangata whaiora.

    We provide a weekly activities programme based on Te Whare Tapa Whā model and the Five Ways To Wellbeing, nutritional lunches every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as well as advocacy support and navigation in the community. 

    We aim to work together to achieve the wellbeing of our whānau, utilizing the Intentional Peer Support mode of practicel and whānau centred approaches. 

  • Nikau Hauora Hub is open to all individuals in Nelson/Tasman region who are experiencing challenges with mental distress and or addictions.

    Nikau Hauora Hub welcomes self-referrals as well as referrals from health care providers (eg care managers, psychiatrist, GP’s).

  • We operate on Monday 9am - 3pm and Tuesday-Friday 9am - 3:30 pm (excluding statutory holidays).

    You can access this service via self-referral this can be either by:

    Phoning: 03 539 3760

    Text : 027 275 0178

    Website: Contact Us — Health Action Trust


    Dropping in: Nikau Hauora Hub at 88 Selwyn place Nelson

  • The COMPASS team at Nikau Hauora Hub is supporting the Student Counsellors of NMIT in completing their placement by providing them with a space at the hub and facilitating the counselling bookings.


    If you would like to access the counselling service with the NMIT Student Counsellors, please click the link below and complete the referral form. If you need assistance with completing this form, please see a Peer Support Worker at Nikau Hauora Hub.

    Counselling Service Referral Form

Other Intentional Peer Support Services

Kotuku Respite House

Kōtuku is a 4-bed crisis respite house situated in the country where people who are experiencing emotional distress or mental health crisis can stay for up to one week as an alternative to hospitalisation.

The aim is to provide a comfortable non-judgmental environment in which guests are supported to process the stresses they are experiencing and explore new possibilities for themselves using an intentional peer support model of practice.

  • Kotuku is a 4 bed residential service. Guests staying at Kotuku enjoy working with intentional peer support workers through setting goals, moving towards recovery and planning for their futures.

    Kotuku is situated in a rural setting with expansive views of the Richmond ranges and rolling farmland, it’s a safe space for people to stay and be nurtured by trained peer support staff and connect with others, sharing experiences and learning from each other.  

  • Referral to Kotuku is through secondary mental health and addiction teams ie: Te Whatu Ora - NZ Health, Māori Mental Health services, community secondary services and AOD Service.

  • Kotuku receives referrals from the regional Mental Health teams of Te Whatu Ora, Te Piki Oranga and Community Secondary MH service Golden Bay.

Youth Peer Support Service

Health Action Trust and Nelson Bays Primary Health (NBPH) collaborate on providing a Peer support youth mental health and addiction service that operates across Te Tauihi. The whole service is a blend of clinical, evidence based practice and intentional peer support.

  • The service is focused on providing tailored, youth friendly support and interventions in spaces where youth feel comfortable eg at school, at home, on the beach.

  • The service is designed for young people aged 12-24 years old who are not currently engaged with secondary services that are experiencing mild to moderate distress.

  • Referrals to the service are required.

    These referrals come via school guidance counsellors, GPs, health improvement practitioners and health coaches.

    Referrals should be directed to Nelson Bays Primary Health. Visit their website for more information.

Intentional Peer Support Coordination

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) is practised worldwide, training people in the practice of peer support. The IPS framework is used to build support in communities, human services programmes and peer-run initiatives across the world. While IPS central operations (IPS Central) are based overseas, the programme originated in Aotearoa and there have been hundreds of people over the past decade throughout Aotearoa NZ trained to practice and teach IPS. Health Action Trust are contracted to provide the coordination of IPS Aotearoa NZ. 

  • Our IPS Coordination service coordinate, plan and arrange delivery of the IPS programme across Aotearoa using current IPS Practitioners and Trainers, ensuring that IPS Aotearoa is delivered to a high standard. 

  • This service is designed for all IPS trainers throughout Aotearoa NZ, as well as Peer Support Workers seeking enrollment in the IPS training programme.

  • Contact our IPS Coordinator, Taryn at

    Website: Contact Us — Health Action Trust