Community Health Promotion
Mental Health Promotion
Mental health promotion aims to develop social and physical environments that support mental health and well-being in the Nelson Tasman region.
Health Action Trust provides mental health services and works in partnership with
Māori, public and private organisations and community groups.
Relationships are pivotal and valued.
There are two priority areas: workplace mental health and wellbeing and older people.
Collaborate in joint mental health initiatives and strategies.
Strive to build capacity in organisations, workplaces, and the wider community.
Disseminate mental health resources, adapt and develop resources to specific identified need.
Support organisations to review mental health policies and practices.
Deliver mental health and well-being workshops and sessions to workplaces and community organisations.
Workplaces, organisations & community groups
Those working with older people 55+
Email: Wendy Strawbridge at wendy@healthaction.org.nz
or Anna Monopoli at anna@healthaction.org.nz
Phone: 027 241 3384
Visit our website: www.healthaction.org.nz
Please contact us if you have any queries or to discuss how we might be able to assist.
Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD)
Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD) is a national programme funded by Manatū Hauora committed to supporting communities in preventing and reducing harm related to alcohol and other drugs.
CAYAD is positively focused on increasing opportunities for rangatahi to be healthy and reach their full potential.
We work with communities to identify local needs and create effective initiatives to prevent and reduce alcohol and other drugs- related harm to rangatahi.
Our work includes improving policies, systems, and practices; community action to reduce supply of alcohol and other drugs; and raise awareness to enable rangatahi make informed choices that lead to healthier outcomes.
Youth organisations, schools, marae, sports clubs, youth groups and community centres.
Contact local CAYAD Kaimahi Marcelo Ribas
Email: marcelo@healthaction.org.nz
Phone: 027 330 5134
Website: www.healthaction.org.nz